theo : ~/resume ./downloads πŸ“₯
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theo : ~/resume ./about ℹ️

who is theo?

A swiss army knife with over 7 years of experience working in social media πŸ‘₯, fintech πŸ’΅, big data πŸ“Š, efficiency engineering πŸš€, monitoring πŸ“‰, and site reliability πŸš’

what does he want to do?

Make life incrementally better, however he can

…Also hike πŸ₯Ύ, climb πŸ§—, surf πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ, create 🎨, listen 🎡, eat 🍜, build community πŸ«‚, and play with good dogs 🐢

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theo : ~/resume ./skills πŸ› οΈ

// can reverse a linked list in any of the following

languages = ["Python", "Go", "Typescript", "Javascript", "Rust", "C#", "Java", "Ruby", "Bash", "Powershell", "HTML", "CSS"]


// some tech & tooling I have experience with

keywords = ["Angular", "Android", "AWS", "Azure", "Browser Extensions", "ChatGPT", "Chrome", "Cloudflare", "Datadog", "Distributed Systems", "Django", "Docker", "Electron", "etcd", "FastAPI", "Figma", "Firefox", "Flask", "Flutter", "Git", "GitHub", "Grafana", "grpc", "Jenkins", "Kafka", "Kubernetes", "Linkerd", "Mantine", "MUI", "MySQL", "Netlify", "Next.js", "Node.js", "OpenTelemetry", "Parcel", "PostgreSQL", "React", "Redis", "Remix", "Safari", "Tailscale", "Tauri", "WASM", "WebRTC"]

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theo : ~/resume ./projects πŸ“
πŸ”­ Browser Extension for OpenTelemetry

A browser extension to automatically instrument all webpages with user and performance analytics, using OpenTelemetry.

🎨 github-paint

A GitHub Action to draw text in your GitHub profile’s contributions graph.

πŸ—οΈ parcel-resolver-inlinefunc

A Parcel plugin to compile imported Javascript functions as serializable and self-contained bundles (useful in browser extensions/sandboxes).

πŸ‡ prune

A simple browser extension to help you trim your garden of tabs.

Beloved by its few users, currently rated 4.9 ⭐


My homepage and blog. Hosted on GitHub pages and written in plain ol’ Javascript, HTML, and CSS. It’s small, it loads quickly, and it costs me $0.00.

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theo : ~/resume ./work-experience πŸ‘·
Software EngineerLinkedIn // Jul 2023 - present

🚨 Maintained critical site reliability platforms

Developed and maintained LinkedIn’s internal alerting, notification, oncall management, and automated remediation platforms.

πŸ’° Cuts costs

Independently (as a side-project) scoped and executed infrastructure changes saving over $1.2 million per year in hardware costs by reducing the resource use of two large-scale applications, done in the time span of 2 months.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ Helps test high-stakes changes

Built request replay tooling to evaluate the performance and correctness of LinkedIn’s new metrics platform (leveraging distributed traces), allowing the team to debug and fix underlying issues before the migration, as well as measure progress to platform parity. Included building a pretty rad + intuitive Grafana dashboard.

Site Reliability EngineerLinkedIn // Nov 2021 - Jul, 2023

πŸš€ Handles massive scale

Supported backend applications servicing more than 4 million requests per second. Maintained 99.9% availability of all online applications comprising LinkedIn’s targeting, ramping, and experimentation platform (T-REX).

πŸ€– Improves site reliability

Built automation to incrementally deploy experiments while monitoring and reacting to their impact on application health signals, reducing likelihood of incidents from insufficiently validated A/B test treatments.

πŸ“‹ Builds alerts & dashboards-as-code plugin

Created (as a side-project) a widely used (by 300+ internal projects) GitHub Action to allow teams to manage their dashboards and alerts as code, encouraging better alerting practices through code-review as well as providing discoverable examples for others (improving oncall quality-of-life and site availability).

πŸ” Prevents widespread outages

Uncovered issue in an external teams service slated to be used by most of our fleet. Developed and executed load tests to proactively identify severe scale limitations, preventing the bottleneck from occurring in production.

Software EngineerEarnin // Mar 2019 - Aug, 2021

πŸ’° Lowers user-acquisition costs

Created a browser registration funnel for our previously mobile-only application, reducing cost of user acquisition by 50% and paving the way for future investment into a cross-platform target for application development.

πŸ”§ Automates the hard stuff

Created a Python tool to automate safe deployments of our legacy C# applications (including our main monolith), eliminating all deployment-related site-reliability issues. Included writing thorough documentation and training 30+ developers on tools use, which allowed engineers to confidently and safely deploy new code without fear of user impact.

🀝🏻 Builds appreciation culture

Built an internal Slack application for co-workers to show each other appreciation through coin emojis, dubbed β€˜Earnin Coin’, which went viral internally. Regularly reached 100s of weekly transactions. Included a real economy, a weekly leaderboard to celebrate high coin earners, and was consistently touted as making employees feel better about giving and receiving help.

Fullstack Software DeveloperBrockman Consulting // Nov 2018 - Mar, 2019

πŸ“² Builds job-dispatching application

Worked as an independent consultant, building an SMS-based job-dispatching application for an industrial and oil-field safety services company using Node.js and Twilio. allowed the company to automate notifying (and provisioning) qualified employees for available jobs.

Junior Software DeveloperMicroquest // Jan 2015 - Mar, 2016

πŸ’¬ Creates secure chat application

Worked as a fullstack developer to create a chat application for health-care professionals, facilitating the secure sharing of patient information between clinics and physicians within Canada. Built using Angular and Node.js, leveraging WebSockets for real-time communication and notifications.

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theo : ~/resume ./open-source-contributions 🌎
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